Wednesday, June 21, 2017

3D- printed bacteria could make bespoke Graphene-like materials

Can you imagine how you can make a bespoke material with graphene like properties? Yes, the bacteria can create brand new materials like you can use this bacteria for printing a substance resembling graphene, the 2D material made of single atom layers of carbon, the product has similar properties as compared to 3D. When we place it on sheets on graphene oxide, the bacteria can change the reduced version of the compound, which defines and shares different properties but it becomes easier to produce it in large amounts. The bacteria do these pulling oxygen atoms of the material as they metabolize. It is produced by powerful chemical and because of heat, but the version of microbe is too much cheaper and it is environment friendly. More you reduce; the closer it is to graphene. It is very- easy it takes place at room temperature in sugar also. The chemical process seems to produce best and excellence graphene oxide, but the micro-organisms could be very useful for fabricating precise small scale structures and that were known as 3D painting.
By experimenting knowledge with normal printer, students prove that it is possible for bacteria onto a surface in the precise lines in just 1 millimeter wide. When the gel solidifies touches calcium that bacteria stay in place. The idea is you can eventually print graphene-oxide bacterium and its scientific name “Shewanella onedidensis” the materials in definite patterns for its properties like making some areas conductive and others not. It is easy to adapt 3D printers so that they are able to print living cells. You need contracting properties for printing one hand. The amount of growth of micro-organisms needs to survive long enough to reduce the graphene oxide that makes it difficult to print. The amount of growth medium the micro-organisms needs to survive  long enough to reduce  to reduce the grapheme oxide would make it  difficult to print the solution without spreading across the surface. If the machinery is distinguished, it could be possible to carve out tiny wires from the graphene surface while the rest remains as non-conductive. As the thin layer of carbon with extra-ordinary properties, graphene is one of the promising materials for high performance. The typical graphene- based photo-detector has only a small area that is sensitive, limiting their performance. This problem has been solved by combining graphene with silicon carbide substrate, creating field-effects that are activated by light.